amanda lee scott

Third Trimester Pregnant Woman’s Lunch

During the third trimester I’ve learned that pregnant women need to load up on super nutritious foods (through the whole pregnancy eating well is essential, although most important this trimester). This for me has been a bit of a challenge as my nausea has come back. Also, as the baby gets bigger, my stomach gets shoved up higher, and its easier to ‘graise’ then to have a full meal.

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What I’ve been doing is having little plates of food, like a cob salad, only with fruit and nuts, meats and protiens, cooked and raw veggies, mixed greens and cheeses. Whatever I see in the fridge that I’m in the mood for gets placed on the plate in little bits. I know for sure I need to cover vegetables, fruits,  and proteins.

Today’s plate was inspired by the Guelph Farmers Market, I love supporting local and organic, and its the perfect place to go and get my produce and meats. My lunch today as seen in the photo includes: a small, mixed greens with cucumber and mushroom, toped with balsamic and apple cider vinegar combined with olive oil salad; some slices of canadian cheddar cheese, sliced organic local carrots and carrots, 1 sliced hard boiled egg, a few ounces of almonds, a couple of dried prunes, steamed broccoli, slices hungarian smoked turkey sausage, 1 med sliced apple, and some dip for the raw veggies made of no fat sour cream and dill lemony epicure spice.
It is a lot of food but I won’t eat it all at once, I’ll graise over the plate throughout the hour as I work on the computer. I compliment this with a tall glass of H20.

One thing I’m really looking forward to, is learning more about cooking and making our own baby food!