amanda lee scott

Isabody Final Essay Submission

Here is my essay from my first isaBody competition submission, the video I made compliments the essay, which I’ve embedded at the bottom of the posting.



I feel the ability to see one’s true self at times can be masked by pain, trauma, denial or all of the above. I was in denial for many years. Even after my daughter and I almost died while I was giving birth to her, I couldn’t see the red flags past the pain. It took me thinking I was having a heart attack to finally see. To wake up and really look beyond my emotions, what did I do to myself? How did I get here? When I looked in the mirror and saw myself, I didn’t recognize who I was, nor did I like what I saw. I wept for the years that I’d lost and looked for help.

My aunt talked to me about Isagenix. I asked my mother to join me, and in turn she asked her sister. We started our journey with Isagenix enthusiastic and hopeful. I was hopeful for change. I read stories of weight loss, increased energy and the emotional happiness this all created. I saw the before and after photos, I wanted that for myself. I wanted that smile, that proud glow. I wanted so badly to feel that happiness for myself.

I have always given my heart to my husband and my daughter. Always putting their needs above my own, making sure they had everything they ever wanted or needed. My husband and I would take my daughter to the park, and I would be far behind them out of breath. I’d have to sit while they played together, waving and secretly crying inside because I couldn’t get up to play.

Now it was my turn to take care of myself. As I drank the shakes, took the products and cleansed my body of my toxins, something inside me started to change. After going through the withdrawal from my fast food addictions, my energy levels skyrocketed.

The weight flowed off of me, which allowed me to work out harder and better. I completed workouts with a trainer, bootcamps and completed charity races. Week after week, I watched my body shed weight and tone up. The change I had been praying for was happening right before my eyes.

The best day of this journey was the day my two-year-old daughter was watching me work out. From behind the screen door, I heard her little voice say, “Go mommy go! You exercise…I love you!” Those simple words cut to my soul and embraced my heart. Tears streamed down my face. I was now a role model for my daughter. I was teaching her about good health, nutrition and body love. No longer was I sitting on the sidelines of her life, but someone she looked up to and cheered on: “Go mommy go! You can do it!”

Isagenix has given me the life I dreamed and prayed for. Not only has it helped me unmask the love I’ve always had, but also the ability to see myself for who I truly am: beautiful.






  1. March 14, 2021 - Reply

    Thanks for sharing! I smile at the thought of the extra years you’ll get to live and truly enjoy because of your healthy changes! I’m re-starting the Isagenix program and look forward to living longer, to walking up stairs without pausing (lol), and feeling great again!

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