amanda lee scott

Organic Yeast Free ‘Mac n Cheese’

Final Product

The story behind the sauce:

Suffering from stomach problems for over a month initiated me to ‘grace with my presence’ the dreaded local walk-in Clinic (as I like thousands of others in this area, do not have a doctor). 25 lbs, three doctors, and countless tests later, I was told ‘there’s nothing more we can do.’ Now what do I do?
After talking with my family, one aunt suggested I find a local naturopathic doctor. She explained that medical doctors these days are so over worked they can’t give the proper care.
Having nothing to loose, I googled ‘naturopathy’ in our local area.
To my surprise I found Doctor Robin Walsh, ND. Who after a brief ‘help me’ email, explained she could help.
After my first appointment, Robin put me on a Candida diet. For those of you who don’t know, this is pretty much eliminating every bad, synthetic, food in my diet.
No more milk products, sugar of any kind, no yeast, no peanut butter, no alcohol, no preservatives, and so on.
She gave me a list of yes foods, and a plan of what to eat.
No more Kraft Dinner!
After my second visit, I had stuck to my diet, but was lacking variety. I asked her if there was a cheese I could have.

‘Amanda there is soy cheese’…

Hence, leading us into the recipe.

melting the cheese

You will need:

(all organic)
½ Cup cubed Soya Yeast Free Cheese – Okanagan’s is a brand I found
1 tbsp Green Curry Paste
½ Cup Soya Milk – Unsweetened
2 tbsp Coconut Oil
1tsp Natural Tamari
2 tbsp Sea Salt
1 dash crushed peppercorn
2 tbsp Cajun Spice Flakes
2-3 cups uncooked Yeast Free Gluten Free Rice Pasta


Boil Water for rice pasta , and start to cook.
Place all ingredients but cheese in a pot. Stir together on med/high, until the mixture starts to bubble.
Turn to medium heat, and slowly stir in cheese.
Wait until cheese is melted and turn on lowest heat.
When rice pasta is done, pour over and mix!


I liked mine a little on the Cajun side, so you’ll have to play a little with the seasonings to your taste!

You might have some sauce left over, this is great for eating with veggies!

  1. November 14, 2007 - Reply

    I found the comments section! hooray for me!
    I hope that you’re new diet change will help you feel better 🙂 I am for sure going to make this recipe for Dave one of these nights. I’ll call it ‘Amanda’s Super Cheesey Oh So Creamy Macaroni Delight’.

    Love You!