amanda lee scott

Natural Cleaner – Deep Scrub

I wanted to make something that had a bit more grit to it. As I was making my cleaning products today, I came across my Redmond Clay.


It is the main ingredient in my toothpaste, so I figured heck lets give that a try.

I tested my mixture out in my toilet bowl and it worked awesome. I got all the crap cleaned away (literally) and the hard water ring stain, double whoop.
I think this would also work as a good heavy pot/grease cleaner too!
I tested this out on my stove, I have a very old stove so I don’t mind if it does scratch it or not. It didn’t for me but I can’t comment on how it works for others. It worked really well!



Here is my recipe:
1/4 cup Water
1/8 cup Baking Soda
1/8 cup Food Grade Redmond Clay
1/8 cup Castile Soap
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
3 drops Tea Tree Oil
Mix the water and clay first, then mix in the baking soda, then add the castile soap, then the oils and voila.
You will need a squirt bottle for this mixture so you can squirt it around the rim of the toilet bowl.

  1. November 6, 2012 - Reply

    LOVE THIS!!! So what you’re saying here is that clay not only cleans the crap out of you, but your toilet as well :).
    You are so creative and I love your drive!!!

    • November 6, 2012 - Reply

      @Kimberly Morrison Shoop

      works great on my stove and bathtub, sinks too! thanks xo

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