amanda lee scott

120 Days of Isagenix, isaBody Challenge and Life Change

I can’t believe I am writing this post, I mean I can because I have worked really hard but it seems like such a short time ago when I started this journey.  I can remember feeling the way I did at the time when I wrote my “Why I Choose Isagenix” posting but it seems so foreign to me now. I’ve now completed my first isaBody Challenge. It feels amazing. Next week when everything gets uploaded to the site, I can start a new isaBody Challenge!

The Journey

There were days I’ve learned, that all people who loose weight still feel fat. I’ve talked to  isaBody winners about this through messages and they say things like “honey, when you find that out let me know.”  I took that to mean, we all have fat days. Even the trainer that I worked with for 6 weeks said she had days she felt fat, but that you just keep going on and don’t loose sight of your goal.
Never once did I ever want to not reach my goal of finishing the challenge and on the days that I couldn’t feel my progress, I went back to my Day 1 photos. I looked at myself and then looked at my new photos and I could physically see myself as smaller. My coach had me go to the grocery store and put 15lbs of butter in one basket and 15lbs of butter in another basket and carry them around the store.
This was an enlightening experience. I could feel how heavy this was, I could carry the weight and I walked around the store. Thoughts raced through my head “wow, you actually carried this around on your body; ALL THE TIME” , “This is really heavy to carry around and not set down.”
I took my baskets up to a young man, who looked fit and tall. I asked him to carry them and tell me what he thought  if he had to carry that around all day every day. He said “its really heavy, for you this would be bad.” So, then I told him I just lost all of that in fat, and he gave me an “awesome job!”
So, what I say to people now, who along the way of their transformation,  that have a feeling ‘fat’ day; go back to your day 1, look at the difference, go and carry something around that equals the weight you lost… You’ll soon come to realize that you are smaller, stronger, lighter and well on the way to reaching your goals.

My Daily Routine Now

I wake up to my alarm at 6:30, I look over and my sleeping daughter who awakes to smile at me. We get up, I make her breakfast and I hop into the shower. I have time to do  my Rejuvity Skin Care routine, blow dry my hair and move on to getting dressed. I check in with my daughter and she’s quite content playing and eating and having a ball.
I feel energized and awake, although Sophia may have wolken up through the night, my sleep is deeper and I’m dreaming again for the first time in years. I no longer have a coffee in the morning.
I have to repeat that to myself, I NO LONGER have coffee in the morning.
I go have my ionix stress buster, then go in and get my daughter dressed and ready for the day. It takes me no time to whip together my morning shake (lately my daughter has taken to help me make my shakes and even having some too ;o)), take my ageless essentials and have time to play or dance or both with my daughter for 15min before Daddy comes home from work and we can take the car and leave.

On the way to dropping her off at daycare we listen to her favourite song (something we’ve discovered by going through every single one of the 300 songs on my iPhone, dancing the whole way through)  Serena Ryder “Sing, Sing” . We arrive usually having listened to the song three times in a row, clapping and singing the whole way.
She kisses me good by and I head off to work, smiling.

I park in the far parking lot and have a good 15min walk into work, why not? Before I would rush to get the closest spot, now I’ve found the perfect un-crowded lot and enjoy the beautiful campus on the way to my cubical.
I still don’t have a coffee and I don’t know when the last time was that I used my Kurig machine. I get my water from the water cooler and get straight to work. I drink water all through the day.
Around 10am everyday its snack time; Protein and produce. For me its my 1/2 isaLean bar and an apple, another glass of water and I’m on the go again working away.
I break for lunch with a walk and my isalean shake. I feel amazing getting out and listening to my iphone and having some me time away from the computer.
The afternoon 3pm comes along and I still don’t need a coffee, I’m still full of energy and I have my next snack of protein and produce; more water and away I go.
After work, I pick up my daughter from daycare and I notice I’m still full of energy. We go out and pick-up fresh veggies or whatever we have run out of and go home. We play for a while, I make a dinner that I’ve planned ahead for. Its usually a serving of healthy fats, serving of protein, complex carbohydrate and veggie serving. I keep to the 400-600 calorie outlines that the Isagneix system came with and my whole family benefits from the nutritional learning.

After dinner it is playtime; I play for a little bit, we go up to the park and I push her on the swings, follow and chase her around the playground, hold her up while she climbs the bars. I just love the energy I have now.

Then my husband takes over while I go do my workouts; I either go to kettle-bell class, trainer workout, arms workout, legs workout or jogging intervals 5km. I have never worked out so hard in my life. I’ve done some jogging before, done some elliptical machine before but never intense workouts and it feels fantastic. I can’t believe how strong my body is getting. When I started I could barely do 1 ‘knee’ push-up, now I can do 15 regular push-ups before I need a break and keep going at them. My intervals for jogging are getting faster and I’m able to run longer. After my workouts I replenish with isaPro right away, this is very important to help build muscles! If my daughter is still awake and watches me work out sometimes she’ll try the moves with me or ON me, which I love.

When I either return home or come back upstairs she is usually still up, but that’s okay, I quickly put her to bed and continue on with my routine. Throwing in some laundry, tidying up a bit then going to work on photos. I’ll edit photos for a little while on the computer, not quite feeling tired yet. I’ll sometimes take calls in the evening talking with my team, my coach or people who were just like me starting out and wanting more information and starting their journey. I feel blessed that I can share this amazing company with others, the amazing organic, non-toxic, gluten-free, low-glycemic system that I know is the answer to greater health.

I continue with my night routine, smiling away at my hubby and he’s all the more happy these days too, must be the Isagenix ;o)
I use the Rejuvity again and its time for bed. I would spend at least an hour before bed before Isagenix surfing the net, now I don’t need to. I fall fast asleep really quickly, deep amazing sleep, smiling.

120 days of isagenix transformation

120 days of isagenix transformation


  1. August 6, 2016 - Reply

    Hello Amanda, thanks for sharing your Isagenix testimonial. It is very inspirational. I hope you have continued success with your journey.

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