amanda lee scott

You Are Three Today

My daughter you are 3 today. I can’t believe where all the time has gone. You have grown not only in size but in spirit too. You are so kind and caring; you are so smart and witty.


You have an amazing sense of self and what you want and how you want it. I pray you never lose that. I watch you as you build your castles and play in the sand; you are committed to creating something magnificent each and every time.


You love to be on the move, and sometimes I get a little short as I’m much older and don’t have as much energy as you do. For that I am sorry. You run from task to task and make little zippy noises that I can only assume you get from me ;o) Why be silent when you can be totally enthralled with what you are doing?
Today not only celebrates your 3rd birthday but also the transition from toddler hood into preschool years. You are so excited for school next year, that this year you thought you were going, you packed your backpack and everything. It broke my heart to tell you, sorry one more year!
As you grow, I wish for you peace and compassion. May you learn compassion not only for others but for yourself, let yourself keep trying things over and over and over without getting too discouraged. May you continue to be filled with joy in all that you do and know that your father and I love you so much.  
You will always be our baby girl. xo
